Art Sale – Original Artwork: German General Consulate Sydney
Further International Art-Fairs & Art-Exhibitions:
Louvre Paris Art-Shopping from 20. – 22. October 2017
XI Florence Biennale / Fortezza da Basso, Firenze 06. – 15.10.2017

Art Berlin Edition on request
The largest PLATUX artwork has been bought by:
Federal Republic of Germany
It is 15 square meters in size and is located:
German Consulate General in Sydney

Moderne Kunst Brandenburger Tor & Reichstag
Eine Werkbetrachtung der Kunsthistorikerin Frau Dr. Gardill
finden Sie im Kunst-Buch: Internationale Kunst Heute 2016

Das Berlin Kunstwerk in Kunstausstellungen 2016:

Kölner Liste 2017 Fair for Contemporary Art Cologne

Modern ART Berlin – Berlin Gallery
Dear Platux, you’re the one with the talent here. I’m just watching for your posts and still stunning.